
图片来源:供稿单位:材料科学与工程学院先进弹性体材料研究中心 发文时间:2012-10-12 阅读次数:

报告题目:Morphology and Crystallization of Crystalline/Amorphous Polymer Blends

报告人:中科院化学所 韩志超(Charles C. Han)研究员

时间:2012-10-15 (周一)下午 1500




Blending is an important method for developing new materials in polymer science, which may combine the properties from the individual components. Crystalline and amorphous polymers are two main categories in polymer family. Crystalline polymers are normally exhibit high modulus and hardness but weak toughness. Amorphous polymers, in contrast, may show rubbery or glassy behavior depending on their glass transition temperatures. So incorporating one crystalline polymer with another amorphous component has attracted significant technological interests.

The macroscopic functional properties of polymeric materials are the comprehensive results of the hierarchical structures on different length scales. These started from the constituents of atoms to the molecular dimensions, to the further assembly into various morphologies on meso/macro-scopic scales, which are usually established via phase transitions. So revealing the mechanisms of phase transitions is crucially important in fundamental science.   

In this talk, the structure development caused by two simultaneous or sequential phase transitions, the liquid-liquid phase separation and the crystallization.



韩志超,博士,中科院化学所研究员。1966年毕业于国立台湾大学化学工程专业;1969年在美国休斯顿大学获得物理化学硕士学位;1973年获得美国维斯康辛大学物理化学博士学位。1974–2002年就职于美国国家标准与技术局(National Institute of Standards & Technology),并于1985–1995年担任共混高分子研究团队(Polymer Blends Group)负责人;1995–2002 年担任首席研究员(NIST Fellow);2002年至今担任中科院化学所高分子科学与材料联合实验室主任,首席科学家。美国化学会、美国物理学会会员(Fellow),兼任10家国际重要高分子杂志和出版社的编委和主编。长期从事高分子物理与材料学方面的研究,在高分子溶液动态学、高分子实验统计物理、共聚物分子构象和微区结构等研究领域有着深厚的积累,在动态光散射、中子散射、小角X-散射方法在高分子研究中的应用做出了杰出的贡献,1999年获得世界高水平的美国物理学会高分子物理最高荣誉奖。