瑞典皇家工程院院士Ann-Christine Albertsson教授学术报告

发文时间:2011-10-18 阅读次数:
        报告主题:Valorization of wood hydrolysates as renewable materials
  报 告 人:Ann-Christine Albertsson
  报告地点: 逸夫会议中心多功能厅
  报告时间:2011年10月20日(周四) 10:00AM
  报告人简历:Ann-Christine Albertsson教授现为瑞典皇家工程院院士,瑞典皇家工学院教授,国内多所大学名誉教授(2009年4月聘为我校名誉教授),知名期刊Biomacromolecules主编。研究领域涉及特种聚合物材料、可降解材料等,主要应用于医用、药材和农业,发表论文300余篇,被引用次数5000余次,出版7本专著。
  Research interests
  Basic research: Design, synthesis, surface modification and characterization of specialty polymers. Ring-opening polymerization with special attention given to controlled degradation rate using new reactions, new catalysts. Molecular architecture for future materials such as star, comb, networks, hyperbranched macromolecules, functional polymers and surface treatment for increased biocompatibility. Design of polymeric materials for long life-times, stability of properties, controlled degradation. Degradation rate, degradation products and degradation mechanisms as well as environmental interaction of polymers, especially using chromatographic methods.
  Applied research: Well-organized materials and tailor-made polymers for medical applications, drugs and agriculture. Advanced systems for polymers, hierarchial structures and hybrid materials. Recycling, waste problems and life-cycle design. Problems adapted to the environment. Materials from renewable resources and especially modified hemicellulose as barrier films and hydrogels. Long-term properties such as thermo-oxidation, hydrolysis, photo-oxidation and biotic degradation. Tailor-made tests and controlled degradation by artificial biological processes.